Gegrild Vlees in Becerril
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Stad: Becerril, Vía Principal, Cl. 3a #Esquina, Becerril, Colombia
"Muy buena atención y calidad de comida"
De gemiddelde prijs voor Gegrild Vlees is:
14 €
Deze beoordelingen hebben alleen betrekking op de genoemde ingrediënten.
Excellent! Husband made these and grilled some panella cheese and avocados. A keeper ~ will definitely make again and again! Delicious!
Great tasting marinade. I stir fried the meat instead of grilling, drained the juices after cooking and then tossed in the reserved marinade.
Absolutely delicious! We made it exactly as written and marinated the steak in two heavy freezer bags. The next day we froze one and grilled the other - this recipe is a definite keeper!