Uienringen in Honey Harbour
Toon restaurants op kaart
Zoek een stad voor het gerecht
Stad: Honey Harbour, 2755 Honey Harbour Road, Honey Harbour, Ontario, Canada, P0E1E0
Serveert alcohol, Bedienend personeel, Afhalen, Volledige balk
De gemiddelde prijs voor Uienringen is:
4 €
Deze beoordelingen hebben alleen betrekking op de genoemde ingrediënten.
hallo cry, have tried the recipe some time ago and must say that this is a super-ideal different gemuese so to praise. what I like to do is make a nice Knofi dip and tzaziki. tasty and goes ratt-fatz! wonder that no one else has posted here??
hallo, very tasty- all. sometimes I do this with flowery charreds, but then with me still curry comes in the crisp. what to do - to the wobble tastes also a fruity- sharp tomatendip good- and some brot. tasty!
hallo, a very tasty recipe..I also often pull mushrooms through the dough,and also a delicious Knobidip homeoeuvre... glg cocky