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Feedback gevenผ obvious impacts on the development and development of resources and resources that affect the development and development of resources and resources. popularity, popularity, popularity, popularity, popularity, popularity, tranquility, calming, calming, calming and agitation.
In view of the impact on the environment, it is a deteriorating situation and unemployment which is reflected in unemployment. delete the properties they have received. лдилдилдилдилдилдилидилидилилилидилилидилилидилилилидилидилилилидилилилилидилилилидилилилилидилилилилилилилилидилилилилилилилилилилилидидидилилилилилилилилидилилидидилидилилидилилилилилилилилилич
The customer service at this restaurant is excellent. The staff went above and beyond to assist us with the ordering process, even using Google Translate apps. They were cute and kind! The food was fantastic, especially the soup. The drinks were a bit sweet but still tasted great and were refreshing. Overall, we were very satisfied, and the prices were affordable. We give a thumbs up to the team! Service: Dine in Meal Type: Dinner Price per person: ฿100–200
The food at this restaurant is delicious and well worth the visit. You can also enjoy unlimited dining time.
The food tasted great, but the temperature setting was too warm. Some items were spoiled. However, the staff was friendly and welcoming, and they provided good service.