Feedback gevenThis restaurant is one of the top places to get Pho in Orlando.
If you always eat pho in Orlando , you might be surprised how different they handle the pho. First of all, the noodles are fat, and secondly, the steak came out looking like someone's brain dropped in my soup! Also they will give you a chilled bottle of water which I really appreciate since most pho shops struggle to keep drinking glass free of stains and smears. Parking is very tricky! But the broth is legit, full of flavor and light on salt finally a pho soup I'm not worried about getting a heart attack after drinking. Lost one star because my noodles sat too long and stuck together. Will definitely return if I don't have to drive.
As a Vietnamese person, I can confidently say that this restaurant serves incredible, authentic Vietnamese cuisine. The food was delicious and the drinks were also top-notch. The staff provided excellent service and were very friendly and accommodating. I would definitely return to this restaurant!
The customer service at this restaurant is excellent, with attentive and friendly staff like Binh. The food quality is top-notch, with delicious flavor profiles that will leave you satisfied. I highly recommend stopping by for a unique dining experience that you won't regret.
You can Dine In, bring your mask... HIGHLY important to remember.