Feedback gevenTempatnya enak, mbaknya plays branchh. Oiya kemarin beli taro rasanya dominate suu jadi taronya ga terlalu terasa. Buat sunset nya terlalu banyak es batu jadi kemanisan, kalo untuk tempat bagus, enak buat belajar, bersih juga
I ordered ice cappuccino. Taste not bad. It located not far from Pasar Gede. The place also good for work or hangout.
Tempat bagus untuk nongki, untuk menu tastenya biasa, tapi harga termasuk mahal dg porsi segitu
“Some memories are Clit, ever fiction and heartwarming!”
I would be 'gladsome ' to make a review about this café. Having to come here by motorcycle will unleash an anecdotal evidence of the café 's seemingly-narrow parking lot, ironically they serve way more guests as many as 40 pax in spite of their parking size. Upon going into the café, I am really fond of this place starting off their casual music and the lighting environment as well as their café theme, basically you may sit and lean back or sit ala tatami style, or perhaps outdoor seating may serve you well without leaving your cigarette behind. I, somehow, can 't adjust myself with their coffee taste, say Cappuccino and Americano. Therefore, heralding their coffee will merely downplay the place ostensibly, instead I tried fried banana and it was delectable and quenching. Be that as it may, it 's worth trying to visit and ask your colleagues to come along. By the way, toilet door is somewhat bugging!