Feedback gevenÞýtt af Google) Travelled to Iceland for the first time to celebrate our birthdays. Saw this restaurant and decided to try it for the experience and atmosphere. Booked our reservation about a week in advance so we had everything planned out. I was a bit apprehensive about the menu options as they looked out of my comfort zone. We ended up ordering the Viking tasting platter as an appetizer, the beef cheeks and lamb for the main courses, followed by the chocolate cake for dessert. Drinking beer from a horn to round out the whole experience. Everything tasted excellent! Service was exceptional. Price was exactly what I would expect for this type of food and atmosphere. Elskaði það! Upprunalegt) Travelled to Iceland for the first time to celebrate our birthdays. Saw this restaurant and decided to try it for the experience and atmosphere. Booked our reservation about a week in advance so we had everything planned out. I was a bit apprehensive about the menu options as they looked out of my comfort zone. We ended up ordering the Viking tasting platter as an appetizer, the beef cheeks and lamb for the main courses, followed by the chocolate cake for dessert. Drinking beer from a horn to round out the whole experience. Everything tasted excellent! Service was exceptional. Price was exactly what I would expect for this type of food and atmosphere. Loved it!
Þýtt af Google) Ingólfsskáli býður upp á virkilega einstaka veitingaupplifun. Matseðillinn breytist eftir árstíðum og er í raun einstakur. Við fórum allt í gegn frá Taste of Tradition þurrkaður fiskur, gerjaður hákarl og brennivínskot) til aðalréttanna í gegnum eftirrétt og allt var einstakt, vel framsett og virkilega ljúffengt. Við elskuðum smáatriðin í öllu frá ytra byrði með torfþaki og hliðum, til hnífapörum og innréttingum og tónlist. Við enduðum kvöldið okkar með axarkasti, sem dregur verulega úr upplifuninni. Ef við endum aftur á Íslandi myndum við örugglega fara þangað aftur. Upprunalegt) Ingólfsskáli offers a really unique restaurant experience. The menu changes with the season, and is really unique. We went all in from the Taste of Tradition dried fish, fermented shark, and a shot of Brennivin) to the main courses through dessert and everything was unique, well presented, and really delicious. We loved the details in everything from the exterior with the sod roof and sides, to the cutlery and decor and music. We ended our night with some axe throwing, which really capped off the experience. If we end up back in Iceland, we'd definitely go there again.
Þýtt af Google) Svo frábær upplifun vel útfærð bæði í formi og matreiðslu. Frábært hljóðrás og ég gæti verið svolítið hrifin af því að þetta var fyrsta kíkja á norðurljósin þegar ég var að borða. Öndin var guðdómleg með stökkum kartöflum og sætri sósu með súrsuðum rauðlauk. Þorskurinn borinn fram nokkuð sætur með fullkomlega ristuðu blómkáli og kartöflumús. Íslenski sýnatökumaðurinn frábær áhugaverður reykt/læknuð prótein gerð á mismunandi hátt. Langoustine súpa var ljúffeng. Þjónustan var sigurvegari. Þakka þér fyrir frábæra upplifun. Upprunalegt) Such a fantastic experience well executed in both form and cooking. Great soundtrack and I might be a little swayed by the fact that this was my first look at the northern lights as I was eating. The duck was divine with smashed crispy potatoes and a sweet sauce with pickled red onions. The cod served somewhat sweet with perfectly roasted cauliflower and mashed potatoes. The Icelandic sampler super interesting smoked/cured proteins done in different ways. Langoustine soup was delicious. Service was a winner. Thank you for a great experience.
Þýtt af Google) Komdu hingað ef þú vilt matarupplifun sem líkist víkingum. Hefðbundnir réttir eins og staðbundinn fiskur, lambakjöt og hestur sem munu breytast eftir árstíðum. Fín stemning með víkingatónlist í bakgrunni. Öxakast og bogfimi fyrir utan. Upprunalegt) Come here if you want a Viking-like dining experience. Traditional dishes like local fish, lamb and horse which will change through the seasons. Nice ambience with Viking folk music playing in the background. Axe throwing and archery outside.
Þýtt af Google Ótrúlegur staður. Frábær matur, bjór og mjöður! Úr víkingahorni, notaleg stemning, vinalegt starfsfólk. Ó, og hröð þjónusta líka. Bara soldið dýrt... Upprunalegt Amazing place. Great food, beer and mead! From a viking horn, cozy vibe, friendly staff. Oh, and fast service too. Just kind of expensive...
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